PP v Ng Wan Ping
25 August 2020 • Acquitted! Our team secured an acquittal for our client who was alleged to have kicked an officer from the National Environment Agency.
Our client was charged with kicking an officer from the National Environment Agency (“NEA”) in the stomach. Our team took clear and cogent instructions from our client that her leg had been involuntarily raised when she lost her balance due to being pulled backwards by her mother and sister, who were trying to stop her from arguing with the NEA officer.
At trial, we managed to establish during cross-examination that the NEA officer’s testimony in Court contradicted his own police report in 4 material ways.
Our team also showed that the NEA officer’s testimony contradicted his medical report, as well as the Notice to Attend Court issued by the NEA to the family. Further, we successfully obtained an admission from the NEA officer during cross-examination that he could have been mistaken that our client was trying to kick him. As a result, our client was acquitted and discharged.
An adverse inference was also drawn against the NEA officer’s credibility as our team showed that his testimony contradicted the Case for the Prosecution. This is believed to be the first known case in Singapore where the Defence successfully submitted that such an adverse inference should be drawn against the Prosecution; another landmark achievement by Trident Law’s criminal defence team. The Prosecution has filed an appeal against the acquittal.